Keto Diet Plan
Keto Diet Plan

How Ketogenic diets can help you lose weight?


A ketogenic diet is an effective way to lose weight and lower risk factors for disease (Source Links 12345).

In fact, research shows that the ketogenic diet may be as effective for weight loss as a low-fat diet (Source Links 131415).

What’s more, the diet is so filling that you can lose weight without counting calories or tracking your food intake (16).

One review of 13 studies found that following a very low carb, ketogenic diet was slightly more effective for long-term weight loss than a low-fat diet. People who followed the keto diet lost an average of 2 pounds (0.9 kg) more than the group that followed a low-fat diet (13).

What’s more, it also led to reductions in diastolic blood pressure and triglyceride levels (13).

Another study in 34 older adults found that those who followed a ketogenic diet for 8 weeks lost nearly five times as much total body fat as those who followed a low-fat diet (17).

The increased ketones, lower blood sugar levels, and improved insulin sensitivity may also play a key role (1819).

What are the benefits of a ketogenic diet for weight loss?

Here’s how ketogenic diets help people lose weight:

Increased protein consumption. Some ketogenic diets result in a higher protein intake, which has a number of weight-loss advantages:

Gluconeogenesis. For energy, your body converts fat and protein to carbohydrates. This method could result in a significant increase in daily calorie burn.

An appetite suppressor is a substance that reduces the amount of food you eat. Ketogenic diets make you feel satiated. Positive alterations in hunger hormones such as leptin and ghrelin support this theory.

Insulin sensitivity has improved. Ketogenic diets can assist to enhance insulin sensitivity, which can aid with fuel usage and metabolism.

Fat storage was reduced. According to some study, ketogenic diets may minimise lipogenesis, or the conversion of sugar to fat. This is due to the fact that excess carbohydrates are stored as fat. When carbohydrate consumption is low, fat is used as a source of energy.

Increased fat oxidation. Although additional research is needed, several studies have suggested that ketogenic diets may slightly boost the amount of fat you burn during rest, daily activity, and exercise.

In these ways, a ketogenic diet may be beneficial for weight loss.

However, when following the ketogenic diet, it’s critical to make sure you’re getting enough calories. Cutting calories too drastically will reduce your metabolism, making long-term weight loss more difficult.

While the keto diet may provide weight loss in the near term, it is unlikely to last, according to some specialists. It might also be difficult to stick to a diet for an extended period of time.

In comparison to other weight-loss diets, a ketogenic diet may help you burn fat, reduce calorie consumption, and boost feelings of fullness.

For more details on the weight loss effects of a ketogenic diet, read this article.

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